Lose Weight & Feel Great

Lose Weight & Feel Great

Monday 27 February 2012

Brides to be, Look at me!

Have to share this article, me and my colleagues were recently in our local papers, heres the article:-

Author: Kelly Louise Clark Published: 3rd February 2012 07:11

Brides to be, look at me!
Seven mums from Chelmsford dusted off their wedding dresses for the first time since their big days and were delighted to find they fitted again perfectly. With a total of 16 children between them, they only ever dreamed of returning to their pre-pregnancy selves.

Each of them had discovered the Herbalife weight management program; a healthy nutrition and wellness plan designed to provide your body with your recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals.

Herbalife brought these women together after losing a massive 203lb collectively as well as 172 inches off their waists, hips and chests. Now, with wedding season upon us, they are keen to inspire other women to get fit, healthy and in shape for the best days of their lives.

Andrea Hall, of Woodroffe Close, Chelmsford, was a size 14 when she married husband David in 2002. Three babies later, she thought she'd never return to her former slim self. Having lost 51lb with Herbalife, though, she easily slipped back into her white dress.

She said: "After having my three children, I made up my mind that once my youngest turned one it would be time to find me again. Although I love being a mummy and a wife, I wasn't happy with me. I was in size 18 jeans and feeling frumpy and wanted to find the yummy mummy within me.

"Herbalife came along and I had my doubts at first; it sounded too good to be true. But, this is a different diet to all the others - and I had tried a few! I never felt hungry and could still enjoy food and have the odd glass of wine.

"Now I'm in size 12 skinny jeans and can fit back in my wedding dress; in fact, it's a bit big now. Goodbye frumpy mummy, hello yummy mummy!"

If you would like to lose weight, get in shape and improve your health, contact Andrea Hall 07810032945 or Email Herbalifeahall@aol.com  or follow me on Twitter @loseweighthl for further details.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Happy Birthday to me

Today I reached my final milestone 4 stone weightloss, who would of thought that not me, not in a million years. So so proud of myself as I've tried so many diets, weightloss plans etc you name it I've probably had the t-shirt to it:-). Thank you Herbalife for the new yummy mummy in me, thank you Herbalife for being a plan that was easy to follow, could still enjoy my food could still have that cheeky bottle of wine that you need at the end of the week, thank you for being easy to follow, never did I get bored as the variety and variations to the plan is endless. Yes I am one extremely happy person, what a birthday present.
Want to no more then ask me how -Andrea 07810032945
Email: herbalifeahall@aol.com
Twitter: loseweighthl
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Andrea-Hall-Herbalife-Distributor-Essex/173773466044227